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Practice Life iTunes Podcast

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Safety First!40 min 00 secJul 19, 2024

The equine veterinary profession is inherently dangerous. It's not just the horses that can pose a problem, but also facilities, transportation, and even owners. Join podcast co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall, and their guest Dr. Travis Boston, as they discuss how a change in mindsets can lead to fewer accidents and a safer environment for vet, client and horse.


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AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at 

Helping New Associates Find Success in Equine Practice36 min 54 secJun 19, 2024

Following last month's discussion about mentorship, this month our podcast host Dr. Jessica Dunbar queries her guests about how to help new associates or interns find success in equine veterinary practice. Joining Dr. Dunbar this month are Drs. Kim Harmon (Fairfield Equine) and Luke Bass (Colorado State University). Listen as they share substantive recommendations for building meaningful connections and supportive work places for those entering the veterinary industry.


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AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at 

The Value of Mentorship45 min 19 secMay 23, 2024

Good mentorship can be critical for the retention of equine veterinarians. Podcast co-hosts Drs. Mike Pownall and Jessica Dunbar chat with two successful pairs of veterinary mentor/mentees. Join Drs. Laura Javsicas and Alexa Wright from Rhinebeck Equine, and Drs. Scott Hay and Sara Langsam of Teigland, Franklin and Brokken, as they share their collaborative experiences and their belief in the positive outcomes of solid mentor/mentee programs.


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AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at 

Equitarian Initiative1 hr 09 minApr 11, 2024

AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Jessica Dunbar, herself a recent initiative alumna, talks with three veterinarians who are involved in the Equitarian Initiative (, which brings veterinary care to working equids in developing countries. Listen as Drs. Rob Franklin and Ciera Guardia, and EI executive director Annie Henderson, share the goals, challenges and benefits of being involved with the philanthropic organization.  


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at 

Creating a Culture of Belonging: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Equine Practice23 min 19 secMar 18, 2024

Dr. Jeremy Shaba and Dr. Deianira Smith, members of the AAEP Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee, discuss inclusivity and belonging in equine practice and the DEI Committee’s mission to create greater awareness about these principles and their importance to the horse doctor community. Practice Life is hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall and Dr. Jessica Dunbar.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

AAEP Leadership: What's in Store for 202428 min 24 secFeb 13, 2024

Podcast co-hosts Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall talk with AAEP leadership about the 2023 Convention and the upcoming year. Listen as Drs. Katie Garrett (AAEP President) and Tracy Turner (AAEP President-Elect) and AAEP Executive Director David Foley share what’s in store for 2024.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Business News Hour Recap33 min 23 secJan 26, 2024

Podcast co-hosts Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall chat with the presenters of the 2023 AAEP Convention's Business News Hour. Drs. Stacey Cordivano, Jean-Yin Tan, and Kelly Zeytoonian discuss their investigative process and share what they learned -- and what surprised them.  


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Clients, Costs, and Communication25 min 53 secDec 28, 2023

Podcast co-hosts Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall share strategies from veterinarian attendees to the 2023 AAEP Convention in San Diego, focusing on communicating with clients -- including difficult personalities -- about challenging economic decisions and boundaries.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Veterinary Practice: Love and Awe24 min 38 secDec 28, 2023

Practice Life podcast co-hosts Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall travelled to San Diego in December to chat with veterinarian attendees of the AAEP Annual Convention in San Diego about our favorite subject: What do you love about equine practice, and where do you find awe in your work and life?


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


What We Love About Equine Practice40 min 26 secNov 20, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall are joined by three veterinarians who think that being a horse doctor is a pretty great thing. Listen to Drs. Rachel Bourne (Wisconsin), Jeremy Shaba (Kentucky) and Brooks Vardell (Virginia) share their favorite -- and not so favorite -- things about being an equine vet.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Telemedicine Post-Lockdown37 min 43 secOct 23, 2023

Much has changed since our first podcast on Telemedicine, way back in 2020. Join our host Dr. Mike Pownall as he visits again with two of the original panelists, Drs. Erica Lacher (Florida) and Cris Navas (Pennsylvania) and new panelist Kelly Zeytoonian (California) as they share tips and hints – including how to charge for telemedicine services – that keep both practitioners and clients happy.



AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Increasing Practice Efficiency with Support Staff54 min 00 secSep 25, 2023

Support staff, properly utilized, not only improve practice efficiency but also the quality of life of the veterinarians who employ them. 

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall join three equine veterinarians for a wide-ranging discussion on support staff. Listen as Drs. Kelly Zeytoonian, Brigitte Gravitt and Bridget Heilsberg share their experiences with and recommendations for support staff.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Strategies from the Emergency Coverage Subcommittee32 min 48 secJul 24, 2023

Podcast hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall have a conversation about emergency coverage with four members of the Emergency Coverage subcommittee of AAEP's Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability.

Joining the podcast hosts are Drs. Leann Kuebelbeck and Mike Erskine, subcommittee co-chairs, and members Jessica Martin and James Beckman. They share their work on the committee and the insights they've gained regarding handling emergencies in veterinary practice while still having a life outside the job.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Making it Work: Balancing Life as an Equine Veterinarian and a Mother in Today’s Industry55 min 45 secJun 20, 2023

Is that elusive work/life balance possible for equine veterinarians who are also mothers? Listen to these four vet moms explain how they’re making it work.

Join AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Jessica Dunbar as she chats with Drs. Melissa Johnson, Valeria Kappes, Bonnie Kibbie and Jennifer Selvig, all mothers who have discovered ways to stay happy and productive in both aspects of their lives. 



AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Sustainability Commission: Internship and Student Subcommittee Updates36 min 00 secMay 18, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall continue their series of chats with veterinarian members of the AAEP Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability. In this episode, the hosts chat with Drs. Sarah Reuss and Jackie Christakos of the Internship subcommittee, and Dr. Rhonda Rathgeber of the Student subcommittee.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

AAEP Sustainability Commission: Some Early Findings32 min 00 secApr 17, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall chat with four veterinarian members of the AAEP Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability: Drs. Jim Zeliff and Travis Boston of the Compensation sub-committee, and Drs. Kelly Zeytoonian and Stacey Cordivano of the Practice Culture sub-committee. Listen in as they share some of their early findings.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Equine Practice Can be Great!41 min 15 secMar 20, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Mike Pownall and Jessica Dunbar chat with four veterinarians who love being equine practitioners. Joining the hosts are Drs. Lindsay Deacon, Jennifer Reda, Danielle Price, and Erica Paxton, who share why they think equine practice can be great.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Worldwide Vets: Making a Difference in Ukraine27 min 00 secFeb 27, 2023

Join AAEP Practice Life podcast co-hosts Drs. Mike Pownall and Jessica Dunbar as they speak with Dr. Gemma Campling of Worldwide Vets about her veterinary work in battle-torn Ukraine.  Content warning: this podcast includes sensitive discussions of suicide, abuse, violence and mental illness. Please consider this before listening to the podcast.

You can learn more about Worldwide Vets here: 

Please note: following the publication of the original podcast, panelist Dr. Gemma Campling realized that she misspoke in giving credit for the donation of 20 ultrasound machines. The donor should be acknowledged as Butterfly IQ. Apologies for the error!

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Looking Back, Looking Forward, with AAEP Leaders34 min 21 secJan 23, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Mike Pownall and Jessica Dunbar chat with current AAEP president Dr. Rob Franklin, president-elect Dr. Katie Garrett, and executive director David Foley. Topics include the recent convention in San Antonio, upcoming educational programs, volunteerism, and the work facing the new Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability. 

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Business News Hour Recap46 min 30 secDec 29, 2022

In our final Practice Life Podcast of 2022, host Dr. Mike Pownall joins the panelists from the 2022 AAEP Convention's Business News Hour -- Drs. Caitlin Daly, Jean-Yin Tan and Kelly Zeytoonian -- for a recap of the year in review, and some predictions and recommendations for the year to come.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Two Questions, Meaningful Answers16 min 17 secNov 29, 2022

Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall interviews attendees at the 2022 AAEP Annual Convention in San Antonio, and asks them two questions: 1) what do you like about being in equine practice? and 2) what do you know now that you wish you knew when you were starting out? Listen for some amazing and insightful answers. 


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Breaking the Burnout Cycle in Equine Practice1 hr 00 minOct 20, 2022

Drs. Oliver Liyou and Cara Rosenbaum join host Dr. Mike Pownall to share their personal stories about the toll of burnout and compassion and empathy fatigue. The conversation includes their suggestions for seeking help and making changes which align with personal values and needs.

Content Warning: This episode discusses the sensitive topics of suicide, abuse, violence and mental illness. Listener discretion is advised.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Boundaries43 min 09 secSep 26, 2022

Join AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and his panel of guests as they discuss boundaries: what they are, why they are necessary, and how veterinarians can maintain them while flourishing in their personal and professional lives.

Panelists Drs. Marisa Markey, Sara Miller and Julie Settlage share their experiences and recommendations regarding this important aspect of practice life.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Practice Management Technologies29 min 26 secAug 29, 2022

Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and his tech-savvy panel of Drs. Ben Buchanan (Texas) and Lisa Kivett (North Carolina) discuss their love/hate relationships with technology and software. Join them as they share their best practices for using technology to improve their practice -- and personal -- lives.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Focused Veterinary Practices31 min 12 secJul 26, 2022

This month, podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall talks with three veterinarians who own or work for specialized practices. Join Dr. Pownall and his guests Drs. Jennifer Lorenz of Capital Performance Veterinary Services (Wisconsin), Molly Rice of Midwest Veterinary Dental Services (Wisconsin), and Jenny Johnson of Oakhill Shockwave and Veterinary Chiropractic (California) as they discuss the benefits and challenges of focusing their veterinary practices on a select few specialty services.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Safety36 min 00 secJun 24, 2022

There's no question that the veterinary profession has an element of danger: horses are big, quick and easily frightened. But there are ways to improve your odds of avoiding injury. Join Practice Life podcast host Mike Pownall and his panelists Drs. Louise Batt (Colorado) and Tovah Caldwell (Ontario, Canada) as they discuss safety in the veterinary practice, both physical and emotional. 


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Accounts Receivable33 min 00 secMay 16, 2022

Join AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall as he discusses accounts receivable strategies with three colleagues, Drs. Patrick First of First Equine Veterinary Services (Alabama), Wendy Krebs of Bend Equine Medical Center (Oregon), and Liz Steele of Steele Equine Veterinary Services & Performance Horse Center (Florida).

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


The Value of Internships42 min 40 secApr 21, 2022

AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall speaks with three experienced practice owner veterinarians -- Drs. Calsey Grant, Laura Javsicas, and Monty McInturff -- about the development of their unique internship opportunities, experiences and philosophies.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Selecting the Right Advisors for Your Practice39 min 41 secMar 28, 2022

Whether you're a solo practitioner, a young associate, a practice owner or a veterinary student, you need advisors -- they might be business advisors, accountants, bookkeepers, lawyers, or recruiters. 

In this month's AAEP Practice Life podcast, host Dr. Mike Pownall talks with Katie Ardeline and Drs. Amy Grice and Bob Magnus about selecting and maintaining relationships with a variety of advisors.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

AAEP Leadership Chat: What’s Coming in 202243 min 09 secFeb 23, 2022

Join our host Mike Pownall as he speaks with AAEP president Emma Read, president-elect Rob Franklin, and executive director David Foley as they discuss AAEP plans and initiatives for 2022, including retention efforts, internship issues, and scope of practice support.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Business News Hour Recap from the 2021 AAEP Convention38 min 40 secJan 18, 2022

Host Dr. Mike Pownall is joined by the presenters of the Business News Hour from the 2021 AAEP Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.  The panelists, Drs. Amy Grice, Caitlin Daly, and Kelly Zeytoonian, recap their live presentation and offer insight into business trends and forecasts that might affect equine practitioners.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Collaborative Business Models1 hr 18 minDec 20, 2021

This is the podcast version of the Collaborative Business Models panel discussion from the 2021 AAEP Convention. Listen as host Dr. Mike Pownall discusses good working business models with panelists Benjamin Buchanan, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC; Miranda Gosselin, DVM; Scott Spaulding, DVM; Wendy Krebs, DVM; Ian Camm, BVSc, CertEP, MRCVS; and Sean Walter, BScH, DVM.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Winterizing Your Equine Veterinary Practice32 min 13 secNov 22, 2021

Winter is coming! Join AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and four far-north veterinarians -- Drs. Angie Hill (Ontario, Canada), Zach Loppnow (Ames, Iowa), Ryan Penno (Ravena, New York) and Melissa Rocheleau Covill (Ottawa, Canada) -- as they share their challenges and solutions for practicing veterinary medicine in very cold climes. 

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Practice Profitability38 min 24 secOct 20, 2021

Running a veterinary practice is becoming increasingly costly: prices of supplies and labor keep going up. How can you help your practice survive these expensive times? Join AAEP Practice Life host Dr. Mike Pownall and his expert guests Dr. Bob Magnus and Mr. John Chalk as they walk through the key factors to practice profitability.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Veterinary Technicians Add Value to your Practice36 min 06 secSep 17, 2021

Adding veterinary technicians to your practice can add value and ease stress, both physical and mental. Join Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and his guests Drs. Lisa Kivett, Shane Baird and Kelly Zeytoonian as they share their strategies and experiences integrating vet techs into their practices.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Marketing the Equine Veterinary Practice40 min 40 secAug 18, 2021

Understanding marketing is important, even if your practice is at capacity. Join AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and three marketing specialists -- Dr. Karen Bolten, Heather McPherson, and Kelly Graber -- as they discuss the what, why, when and how of marketing strategies, goals, campaigns and indicators of success.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Practice Perspective: "Senior" Veterinarians30 min 00 secJul 21, 2021

AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall, having spent several previous podcasts focusing on new veterinarians, takes time this month to hear from veteran vets who have long-established, successful practices. Listen as Drs. James Zeliff, Monty McInturff and Anne Baskett share their perspectives on being successful horse doctors.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Practice Ownership42 min 00 secJun 21, 2021

AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall talks with four practice owner veterinarians across North America about owning a veterinary practice.

Listen to Mike and Drs. Tracy Walker, Lisa Kivett, Crystal McRae, and Heather Caplan share the whys and hows of single- and multiple-doctor practices.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

or contact their Equine Veterinary Technical Solutions team at 888-637-4251.

Mothers in Veterinary Practice37 min 30 secMay 21, 2021

Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall is joined by three equine veterinarians who are also mothers -- or mothers-to-be! Listen as mother-of-two Dr. Laura Javsicas, mother-of-two Dr. Wendy Krebs, and soon-to-be mother Dr. Marisa Markey discuss the ins and outs of pregnancy and maternity leave for themselves, their associates, and their staff.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Mentorship and the Young Veterinarian43 min 10 secApr 20, 2021

In anticipation of spring, with its new crop of graduating vets and interns, AAEP Practice Life Dr. Mike Pownall speaks with three practitioners who have experience mentoring young or new veterinarians. Join Drs. Luke Bass (Colorado State University), Kimberly Harmon (Fairfield Equine, Connecticut) and Karen Jackman (Pioneer Equine, California) as they share their experiences and recommendations for helping new vets settle comfortably into their new positions.

Also joining Dr. Pownall is AAEP Membership Director Nick Altwies, who gives an overview of AAEP's Outrider Mentorship Program. 

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Hiring New Veterinarians and Staff34 min 29 secMar 22, 2021

AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall joins successful practice owners Dr. Alex Eastman (Salinas, California), Dr. Miranda Gosselin (Millbrook, New York) and Dr. Shane Baird (Golden, Colorado) to discuss the challenges and opportunities involved in hiring new veterinary and support staff.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

AAEP's Plans for 202136 min 31 secFeb 09, 2021

AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall chats with AAEP 2021 President Dr. Scott Hay, president-elect Dr. Emma Read, and executive director David Foley. They discuss long-term changes in the industry, COVID-related changes, and plans for 2021. We hear about upcoming educational opportunities, the ongoing efforts toward new-practitioner retention, and a new focus on inclusion, equity and diversity in the equine veterinary industry.

This podcast is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

AAEP Business News Hour Recap and 2021 Outlook44 min 46 secJan 26, 2021

Join AAEP's Practice Life host Dr. Mike Pownall as he joins fellow presenters Dr. Caitlin Daly and Dr. Amy Grice as they recap their reports for the 2020 Convention's Business News Hour and make some predictions for the year to come. The wide-ranging discussion covers, among other things, the economy, unemployment, gender bias, media consumption, virtual meetings, technology, attrition, work/life balance for one's self and staff, maternity policies, practice consolidation and unionization. They finish by emphasizing the importance of embracing new experiences, practicing collegiality, and supporting employees and staff.

This podcast is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Equine Practice is Pretty Good, Part 41 hr 02 minJan 14, 2021

Podcast host and AAEP Member Dr. Mike Pownall brings together five equine veterinarians whose backgrounds and experiences are incredibly diverse, but who all agree that there's nothing they'd rather do than be a horse doctor. Join Dr. Pownall and Dr. Elizabeth Woolsey-Herbert from Australia, Dr. Kathy Lynde from California, Dr. Stacy Whitton of Colorado, Dr. Bibi Freer of North Carolina, and soon-to-be-Dr. Liliya Becktell, a 4th-year vet student from Cornell University, as they share their stories of the joys and benefits of equine veterinary life.

This podcast is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Equine Practice is Pretty Good, Part 335 min 57 secDec 23, 2020

Still not convinced that equine practice can be pretty good? Listen in as AAEP member and podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall chats with three veterinarians who love their jobs as horse doctors.

Joining Mike for this third entry in the Pretty Good series is Dr. Tena Boyd of Northern Virginia, Dr. Lauren Davang, who works near Houston, Texas, and Dr. Scott Spaulding, who's based in southern Wisconsin. 

This podcast is brought to you by Boehringer Ingelheim

Equine Practice is Pretty Good, Part 231 min 50 secOct 20, 2020

Still not sure whether being in equine practice is a good thing? AAEP Practice Life host Dr. Mike Pownall chats with three veterinarians who think it's a great thing!

Drs. Dorothee Gilmore (Lisbon, New York), Chelsea Luedke (Berthoud, Colorado), and Jeremy Shaba (Lexington, Kentucky), share their tactics for managing demanding clients, understanding the importance of work/life balance, meeting the challenges, and maintaining or reigniting a passion for the profession. 

Equine Telemedicine35 min 54 secJul 16, 2020

With social distancing becoming the (at least temporary) norm, the use and importance of telemedicine -- and the confusion over its value -- has increased. Can it replace traditional hands-on medicine? Can you convince your clients to pay for tele-consults? 

Join podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall as he chats with Drs. Erica Lacher (Newberry, Florida), Elizabeth Herbert (Gawler, South Australia) and Cris Navas (Kennett Square, Pennsylvania) about their experiences with equine telemedicine and their recommendations for its use. 

Equine Practice is Pretty Good30 min 59 secJun 08, 2020

There have been numerous grim reports about the future of equine veterinary practice. Join host Dr. Mike Pownall as he talks with Drs. Lisa Kivett and Mitchell Rode, who share not only their positive outlook of the equine veterinary profession, but also some tips to help other vets achieve a sustainable work/life balance. 

Top 10 Equine Practice Management Tips During Times of Crisis, with Mike Pownall, DVM, MBA19 min 59 secApr 23, 2020

Business Educator and AAEP Practice Life podcast host Mike Pownall, DVM, MBA, shares ten timely and very useful veterinary practice management tips for times of economic difficulty, including the current COVID-19 crisis.  

Myths and Misconceptions about Veterinary Student Debt43 min 23 secFeb 24, 2020

There are many misconceptions and myths about student debt. Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall  investigates how a new veterinarian can afford to be an equine practitioner with guest veterinarians Dr. Robyn Ellerbrock of the University of Georgia, Dr. Mary Kovach of Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice, and Dr. Tony Bartels of the VIN Foundation ( 

Developing Young Veterinarians38 min 57 secJan 27, 2020

Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall joins three participants of the 2019 AAEP Convention's lively "How to Mentor New Grads" table topic. Listen as Drs. Elizabeth Arbittier of the New Bolton Center in Pennsylvania, Luke Bass of Colorado State University, and Caitlin Daly, a solo practitioner in Rockland, Maine, share some advice for new veterinarian graduates looking for their best career, and some advice to those who would hire them.

Dr. Amy Grice Discusses the AVMA-AAEP Equine Economic Study25 min 50 secDec 03, 2019

Veterinarian and business consultant Dr. Amy Grice gives a brief overview of the AAEP/AVMA Equine Veterinarian Economic Survey and the career challenges it highlights. The report, which offers extensive data about the health of equine practice and the health of those working in the profession, can be found in full at

Developing a Positive Veterinarian-Farrier Relationship43 min 38 secSep 13, 2019

A good working relationship with your clients’ farriers can have a positive impact on the health of the horse, and the health of your practice. Drs. Andrea Dube, Josh Zacharias and Bibi Freer share tips to develop positive vet-to-farrier rapport. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Creating a Shared On Call Network in Your Practice Area25 min 34 secMay 15, 2019

Learn how sharing emergency coverage with area colleagues can benefit quality of life, professional collegiality and practice stability. Guests are Drs. Amy Bennett, Bibi Freer and Racquel Lindroth.  Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Top Tech Tools for Equine Practice 40 min 23 secMar 27, 2019

Let technology make your practice life easier. Drs. Lisa Kivett and Ernie Martinez share their favorite tech hacks and discuss how they manage everything from texting with clients to after-hours staff communication. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

The Veterinarian's Role in Equine Abuse & Neglect Cases37 min 07 secDec 10, 2018

Most veterinary practitioners will be presented at some time with a case of animal abuse, neglect or cruelty. Drs. Lisa Kivett, Clara Mason and Alina Vale discuss strategies for managing these often difficult and complex situations. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

I'm a New Associate - Help!29 min 06 secSep 25, 2018

Two recent grads and a seasoned practitioner dispense advice on successfully starting your first associate position as well as tips for welcoming a new graduate to your practice. Guests: Drs. Jenna Donaldson, Zach Loppnow & Ernie Martinez. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Can I Afford to Hire an Associate?37 min 53 secAug 15, 2018

From analyzing your financials to finding the right person, Drs. Miranda Gosselin, Dan Keenan and Lisa Kivett provide direction to practice owners who are considering adding an associate. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Parenthood: Balancing Family Life with Equine Practice1 hr 02 minNov 07, 2016Drs. Amanda House, Ernie Martinez and Gina Tranquillo Shade discuss how they navigate the often-challenging balance of children and career.
Opening Your Own Equine Practice34 min 30 secSep 08, 2016Three young veterinarians dispense the lessons they have learned as new practice owners. 
Conversations with New Practitioners34 min 10 secJul 29, 2016Three new Horse Doctors discuss the challenges and rewards they've experienced during their first year in the profession.

Safety First!

Jul 19, 2024

The equine veterinary profession is inherently dangerous. It's not just the horses that can pose a problem, but also facilities, transportation, and even owners. Join podcast co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall, and their guest Dr. Travis Boston, as they discuss how a change in mindsets can lead to fewer accidents and a safer environment for vet, client and horse.


Sponsored by:

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at 

Running Time: 40 min 00 sec

Helping New Associates Find Success in Equine Practice

Jun 19, 2024

Following last month's discussion about mentorship, this month our podcast host Dr. Jessica Dunbar queries her guests about how to help new associates or interns find success in equine veterinary practice. Joining Dr. Dunbar this month are Drs. Kim Harmon (Fairfield Equine) and Luke Bass (Colorado State University). Listen as they share substantive recommendations for building meaningful connections and supportive work places for those entering the veterinary industry.


Sponsored by:

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at 

Running Time: 36 min 54 sec

The Value of Mentorship

May 23, 2024

Good mentorship can be critical for the retention of equine veterinarians. Podcast co-hosts Drs. Mike Pownall and Jessica Dunbar chat with two successful pairs of veterinary mentor/mentees. Join Drs. Laura Javsicas and Alexa Wright from Rhinebeck Equine, and Drs. Scott Hay and Sara Langsam of Teigland, Franklin and Brokken, as they share their collaborative experiences and their belief in the positive outcomes of solid mentor/mentee programs.


Sponsored by:

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at 

Running Time: 45 min 19 sec

Equitarian Initiative

Apr 11, 2024

AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Jessica Dunbar, herself a recent initiative alumna, talks with three veterinarians who are involved in the Equitarian Initiative (, which brings veterinary care to working equids in developing countries. Listen as Drs. Rob Franklin and Ciera Guardia, and EI executive director Annie Henderson, share the goals, challenges and benefits of being involved with the philanthropic organization.  


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at 

Running Time: 1 hr 09 min

Creating a Culture of Belonging: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Equine Practice

Mar 18, 2024

Dr. Jeremy Shaba and Dr. Deianira Smith, members of the AAEP Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee, discuss inclusivity and belonging in equine practice and the DEI Committee’s mission to create greater awareness about these principles and their importance to the horse doctor community. Practice Life is hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall and Dr. Jessica Dunbar.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 23 min 19 sec

AAEP Leadership: What's in Store for 2024

Feb 13, 2024

Podcast co-hosts Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall talk with AAEP leadership about the 2023 Convention and the upcoming year. Listen as Drs. Katie Garrett (AAEP President) and Tracy Turner (AAEP President-Elect) and AAEP Executive Director David Foley share what’s in store for 2024.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 28 min 24 sec

Business News Hour Recap

Jan 26, 2024

Podcast co-hosts Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall chat with the presenters of the 2023 AAEP Convention's Business News Hour. Drs. Stacey Cordivano, Jean-Yin Tan, and Kelly Zeytoonian discuss their investigative process and share what they learned -- and what surprised them.  


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 33 min 23 sec

Clients, Costs, and Communication

Dec 28, 2023

Podcast co-hosts Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall share strategies from veterinarian attendees to the 2023 AAEP Convention in San Diego, focusing on communicating with clients -- including difficult personalities -- about challenging economic decisions and boundaries.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 25 min 53 sec

Veterinary Practice: Love and Awe

Dec 28, 2023

Practice Life podcast co-hosts Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall travelled to San Diego in December to chat with veterinarian attendees of the AAEP Annual Convention in San Diego about our favorite subject: What do you love about equine practice, and where do you find awe in your work and life?


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 24 min 38 sec

What We Love About Equine Practice

Nov 20, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall are joined by three veterinarians who think that being a horse doctor is a pretty great thing. Listen to Drs. Rachel Bourne (Wisconsin), Jeremy Shaba (Kentucky) and Brooks Vardell (Virginia) share their favorite -- and not so favorite -- things about being an equine vet.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 40 min 26 sec

Telemedicine Post-Lockdown

Oct 23, 2023

Much has changed since our first podcast on Telemedicine, way back in 2020. Join our host Dr. Mike Pownall as he visits again with two of the original panelists, Drs. Erica Lacher (Florida) and Cris Navas (Pennsylvania) and new panelist Kelly Zeytoonian (California) as they share tips and hints – including how to charge for telemedicine services – that keep both practitioners and clients happy.



AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 37 min 43 sec

Increasing Practice Efficiency with Support Staff

Sep 25, 2023

Support staff, properly utilized, not only improve practice efficiency but also the quality of life of the veterinarians who employ them. 

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall join three equine veterinarians for a wide-ranging discussion on support staff. Listen as Drs. Kelly Zeytoonian, Brigitte Gravitt and Bridget Heilsberg share their experiences with and recommendations for support staff.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 54 min 00 sec

Strategies from the Emergency Coverage Subcommittee

Jul 24, 2023

Podcast hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall have a conversation about emergency coverage with four members of the Emergency Coverage subcommittee of AAEP's Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability.

Joining the podcast hosts are Drs. Leann Kuebelbeck and Mike Erskine, subcommittee co-chairs, and members Jessica Martin and James Beckman. They share their work on the committee and the insights they've gained regarding handling emergencies in veterinary practice while still having a life outside the job.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 32 min 48 sec

Making it Work: Balancing Life as an Equine Veterinarian and a Mother in Today’s Industry

Jun 20, 2023

Is that elusive work/life balance possible for equine veterinarians who are also mothers? Listen to these four vet moms explain how they’re making it work.

Join AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Jessica Dunbar as she chats with Drs. Melissa Johnson, Valeria Kappes, Bonnie Kibbie and Jennifer Selvig, all mothers who have discovered ways to stay happy and productive in both aspects of their lives. 



AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 55 min 45 sec

Sustainability Commission: Internship and Student Subcommittee Updates

May 18, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall continue their series of chats with veterinarian members of the AAEP Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability. In this episode, the hosts chat with Drs. Sarah Reuss and Jackie Christakos of the Internship subcommittee, and Dr. Rhonda Rathgeber of the Student subcommittee.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 36 min 00 sec

AAEP Sustainability Commission: Some Early Findings

Apr 17, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Jessica Dunbar and Mike Pownall chat with four veterinarian members of the AAEP Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability: Drs. Jim Zeliff and Travis Boston of the Compensation sub-committee, and Drs. Kelly Zeytoonian and Stacey Cordivano of the Practice Culture sub-committee. Listen in as they share some of their early findings.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 32 min 00 sec

Equine Practice Can be Great!

Mar 20, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Mike Pownall and Jessica Dunbar chat with four veterinarians who love being equine practitioners. Joining the hosts are Drs. Lindsay Deacon, Jennifer Reda, Danielle Price, and Erica Paxton, who share why they think equine practice can be great.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 41 min 15 sec

Worldwide Vets: Making a Difference in Ukraine

Feb 27, 2023

Join AAEP Practice Life podcast co-hosts Drs. Mike Pownall and Jessica Dunbar as they speak with Dr. Gemma Campling of Worldwide Vets about her veterinary work in battle-torn Ukraine.  Content warning: this podcast includes sensitive discussions of suicide, abuse, violence and mental illness. Please consider this before listening to the podcast.

You can learn more about Worldwide Vets here: 

Please note: following the publication of the original podcast, panelist Dr. Gemma Campling realized that she misspoke in giving credit for the donation of 20 ultrasound machines. The donor should be acknowledged as Butterfly IQ. Apologies for the error!

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 27 min 00 sec

Looking Back, Looking Forward, with AAEP Leaders

Jan 23, 2023

AAEP Practice Life co-hosts Drs. Mike Pownall and Jessica Dunbar chat with current AAEP president Dr. Rob Franklin, president-elect Dr. Katie Garrett, and executive director David Foley. Topics include the recent convention in San Antonio, upcoming educational programs, volunteerism, and the work facing the new Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability. 

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 34 min 21 sec

Business News Hour Recap

Dec 29, 2022

In our final Practice Life Podcast of 2022, host Dr. Mike Pownall joins the panelists from the 2022 AAEP Convention's Business News Hour -- Drs. Caitlin Daly, Jean-Yin Tan and Kelly Zeytoonian -- for a recap of the year in review, and some predictions and recommendations for the year to come.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 46 min 30 sec

Two Questions, Meaningful Answers

Nov 29, 2022

Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall interviews attendees at the 2022 AAEP Annual Convention in San Antonio, and asks them two questions: 1) what do you like about being in equine practice? and 2) what do you know now that you wish you knew when you were starting out? Listen for some amazing and insightful answers. 


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 16 min 17 sec

Breaking the Burnout Cycle in Equine Practice

Oct 20, 2022

Drs. Oliver Liyou and Cara Rosenbaum join host Dr. Mike Pownall to share their personal stories about the toll of burnout and compassion and empathy fatigue. The conversation includes their suggestions for seeking help and making changes which align with personal values and needs.

Content Warning: This episode discusses the sensitive topics of suicide, abuse, violence and mental illness. Listener discretion is advised.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 1 hr 00 min


Sep 26, 2022

Join AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and his panel of guests as they discuss boundaries: what they are, why they are necessary, and how veterinarians can maintain them while flourishing in their personal and professional lives.

Panelists Drs. Marisa Markey, Sara Miller and Julie Settlage share their experiences and recommendations regarding this important aspect of practice life.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 43 min 09 sec

Practice Management Technologies

Aug 29, 2022

Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and his tech-savvy panel of Drs. Ben Buchanan (Texas) and Lisa Kivett (North Carolina) discuss their love/hate relationships with technology and software. Join them as they share their best practices for using technology to improve their practice -- and personal -- lives.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 29 min 26 sec

Focused Veterinary Practices

Jul 26, 2022

This month, podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall talks with three veterinarians who own or work for specialized practices. Join Dr. Pownall and his guests Drs. Jennifer Lorenz of Capital Performance Veterinary Services (Wisconsin), Molly Rice of Midwest Veterinary Dental Services (Wisconsin), and Jenny Johnson of Oakhill Shockwave and Veterinary Chiropractic (California) as they discuss the benefits and challenges of focusing their veterinary practices on a select few specialty services.


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 31 min 12 sec


Jun 24, 2022

There's no question that the veterinary profession has an element of danger: horses are big, quick and easily frightened. But there are ways to improve your odds of avoiding injury. Join Practice Life podcast host Mike Pownall and his panelists Drs. Louise Batt (Colorado) and Tovah Caldwell (Ontario, Canada) as they discuss safety in the veterinary practice, both physical and emotional. 


AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 36 min 00 sec

Accounts Receivable

May 16, 2022

Join AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall as he discusses accounts receivable strategies with three colleagues, Drs. Patrick First of First Equine Veterinary Services (Alabama), Wendy Krebs of Bend Equine Medical Center (Oregon), and Liz Steele of Steele Equine Veterinary Services & Performance Horse Center (Florida).

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 33 min 00 sec

The Value of Internships

Apr 21, 2022

AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall speaks with three experienced practice owner veterinarians -- Drs. Calsey Grant, Laura Javsicas, and Monty McInturff -- about the development of their unique internship opportunities, experiences and philosophies.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at


Running Time: 42 min 40 sec

Selecting the Right Advisors for Your Practice

Mar 28, 2022

Whether you're a solo practitioner, a young associate, a practice owner or a veterinary student, you need advisors -- they might be business advisors, accountants, bookkeepers, lawyers, or recruiters. 

In this month's AAEP Practice Life podcast, host Dr. Mike Pownall talks with Katie Ardeline and Drs. Amy Grice and Bob Magnus about selecting and maintaining relationships with a variety of advisors.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 39 min 41 sec

AAEP Leadership Chat: What’s Coming in 2022

Feb 23, 2022

Join our host Mike Pownall as he speaks with AAEP president Emma Read, president-elect Rob Franklin, and executive director David Foley as they discuss AAEP plans and initiatives for 2022, including retention efforts, internship issues, and scope of practice support.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 43 min 09 sec

Business News Hour Recap from the 2021 AAEP Convention

Jan 18, 2022

Host Dr. Mike Pownall is joined by the presenters of the Business News Hour from the 2021 AAEP Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.  The panelists, Drs. Amy Grice, Caitlin Daly, and Kelly Zeytoonian, recap their live presentation and offer insight into business trends and forecasts that might affect equine practitioners.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 38 min 40 sec

Collaborative Business Models

Dec 20, 2021

This is the podcast version of the Collaborative Business Models panel discussion from the 2021 AAEP Convention. Listen as host Dr. Mike Pownall discusses good working business models with panelists Benjamin Buchanan, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC; Miranda Gosselin, DVM; Scott Spaulding, DVM; Wendy Krebs, DVM; Ian Camm, BVSc, CertEP, MRCVS; and Sean Walter, BScH, DVM.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 1 hr 18 min

Winterizing Your Equine Veterinary Practice

Nov 22, 2021

Winter is coming! Join AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and four far-north veterinarians -- Drs. Angie Hill (Ontario, Canada), Zach Loppnow (Ames, Iowa), Ryan Penno (Ravena, New York) and Melissa Rocheleau Covill (Ottawa, Canada) -- as they share their challenges and solutions for practicing veterinary medicine in very cold climes. 

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 32 min 13 sec

Practice Profitability

Oct 20, 2021

Running a veterinary practice is becoming increasingly costly: prices of supplies and labor keep going up. How can you help your practice survive these expensive times? Join AAEP Practice Life host Dr. Mike Pownall and his expert guests Dr. Bob Magnus and Mr. John Chalk as they walk through the key factors to practice profitability.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 38 min 24 sec

Veterinary Technicians Add Value to your Practice

Sep 17, 2021

Adding veterinary technicians to your practice can add value and ease stress, both physical and mental. Join Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and his guests Drs. Lisa Kivett, Shane Baird and Kelly Zeytoonian as they share their strategies and experiences integrating vet techs into their practices.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 36 min 06 sec

Marketing the Equine Veterinary Practice

Aug 18, 2021

Understanding marketing is important, even if your practice is at capacity. Join AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall and three marketing specialists -- Dr. Karen Bolten, Heather McPherson, and Kelly Graber -- as they discuss the what, why, when and how of marketing strategies, goals, campaigns and indicators of success.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 40 min 40 sec

Practice Perspective: "Senior" Veterinarians

Jul 21, 2021

AAEP Practice Life Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall, having spent several previous podcasts focusing on new veterinarians, takes time this month to hear from veteran vets who have long-established, successful practices. Listen as Drs. James Zeliff, Monty McInturff and Anne Baskett share their perspectives on being successful horse doctors.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 30 min 00 sec

Practice Ownership

Jun 21, 2021

AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall talks with four practice owner veterinarians across North America about owning a veterinary practice.

Listen to Mike and Drs. Tracy Walker, Lisa Kivett, Crystal McRae, and Heather Caplan share the whys and hows of single- and multiple-doctor practices.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

or contact their Equine Veterinary Technical Solutions team at 888-637-4251.

Running Time: 42 min 00 sec

Mothers in Veterinary Practice

May 21, 2021

Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall is joined by three equine veterinarians who are also mothers -- or mothers-to-be! Listen as mother-of-two Dr. Laura Javsicas, mother-of-two Dr. Wendy Krebs, and soon-to-be mother Dr. Marisa Markey discuss the ins and outs of pregnancy and maternity leave for themselves, their associates, and their staff.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 37 min 30 sec

Mentorship and the Young Veterinarian

Apr 20, 2021

In anticipation of spring, with its new crop of graduating vets and interns, AAEP Practice Life Dr. Mike Pownall speaks with three practitioners who have experience mentoring young or new veterinarians. Join Drs. Luke Bass (Colorado State University), Kimberly Harmon (Fairfield Equine, Connecticut) and Karen Jackman (Pioneer Equine, California) as they share their experiences and recommendations for helping new vets settle comfortably into their new positions.

Also joining Dr. Pownall is AAEP Membership Director Nick Altwies, who gives an overview of AAEP's Outrider Mentorship Program. 

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 43 min 10 sec

Hiring New Veterinarians and Staff

Mar 22, 2021

AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall joins successful practice owners Dr. Alex Eastman (Salinas, California), Dr. Miranda Gosselin (Millbrook, New York) and Dr. Shane Baird (Golden, Colorado) to discuss the challenges and opportunities involved in hiring new veterinary and support staff.

AAEP Practice Life is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Visit them at

Running Time: 34 min 29 sec

AAEP's Plans for 2021

Feb 09, 2021

AAEP Practice Life podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall chats with AAEP 2021 President Dr. Scott Hay, president-elect Dr. Emma Read, and executive director David Foley. They discuss long-term changes in the industry, COVID-related changes, and plans for 2021. We hear about upcoming educational opportunities, the ongoing efforts toward new-practitioner retention, and a new focus on inclusion, equity and diversity in the equine veterinary industry.

This podcast is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Running Time: 36 min 31 sec

AAEP Business News Hour Recap and 2021 Outlook

Jan 26, 2021

Join AAEP's Practice Life host Dr. Mike Pownall as he joins fellow presenters Dr. Caitlin Daly and Dr. Amy Grice as they recap their reports for the 2020 Convention's Business News Hour and make some predictions for the year to come. The wide-ranging discussion covers, among other things, the economy, unemployment, gender bias, media consumption, virtual meetings, technology, attrition, work/life balance for one's self and staff, maternity policies, practice consolidation and unionization. They finish by emphasizing the importance of embracing new experiences, practicing collegiality, and supporting employees and staff.

This podcast is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Running Time: 44 min 46 sec

Equine Practice is Pretty Good, Part 4

Jan 14, 2021

Podcast host and AAEP Member Dr. Mike Pownall brings together five equine veterinarians whose backgrounds and experiences are incredibly diverse, but who all agree that there's nothing they'd rather do than be a horse doctor. Join Dr. Pownall and Dr. Elizabeth Woolsey-Herbert from Australia, Dr. Kathy Lynde from California, Dr. Stacy Whitton of Colorado, Dr. Bibi Freer of North Carolina, and soon-to-be-Dr. Liliya Becktell, a 4th-year vet student from Cornell University, as they share their stories of the joys and benefits of equine veterinary life.

This podcast is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Running Time: 1 hr 02 min

Equine Practice is Pretty Good, Part 3

Dec 23, 2020

Still not convinced that equine practice can be pretty good? Listen in as AAEP member and podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall chats with three veterinarians who love their jobs as horse doctors.

Joining Mike for this third entry in the Pretty Good series is Dr. Tena Boyd of Northern Virginia, Dr. Lauren Davang, who works near Houston, Texas, and Dr. Scott Spaulding, who's based in southern Wisconsin. 

This podcast is brought to you by Boehringer Ingelheim

Running Time: 35 min 57 sec

Equine Practice is Pretty Good, Part 2

Oct 20, 2020

Still not sure whether being in equine practice is a good thing? AAEP Practice Life host Dr. Mike Pownall chats with three veterinarians who think it's a great thing!

Drs. Dorothee Gilmore (Lisbon, New York), Chelsea Luedke (Berthoud, Colorado), and Jeremy Shaba (Lexington, Kentucky), share their tactics for managing demanding clients, understanding the importance of work/life balance, meeting the challenges, and maintaining or reigniting a passion for the profession. 

Running Time: 31 min 50 sec

Equine Telemedicine

Jul 16, 2020

With social distancing becoming the (at least temporary) norm, the use and importance of telemedicine -- and the confusion over its value -- has increased. Can it replace traditional hands-on medicine? Can you convince your clients to pay for tele-consults? 

Join podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall as he chats with Drs. Erica Lacher (Newberry, Florida), Elizabeth Herbert (Gawler, South Australia) and Cris Navas (Kennett Square, Pennsylvania) about their experiences with equine telemedicine and their recommendations for its use. 

Running Time: 35 min 54 sec

Equine Practice is Pretty Good

Jun 08, 2020

There have been numerous grim reports about the future of equine veterinary practice. Join host Dr. Mike Pownall as he talks with Drs. Lisa Kivett and Mitchell Rode, who share not only their positive outlook of the equine veterinary profession, but also some tips to help other vets achieve a sustainable work/life balance. 

Running Time: 30 min 59 sec

Top 10 Equine Practice Management Tips During Times of Crisis, with Mike Pownall, DVM, MBA

Apr 23, 2020

Business Educator and AAEP Practice Life podcast host Mike Pownall, DVM, MBA, shares ten timely and very useful veterinary practice management tips for times of economic difficulty, including the current COVID-19 crisis.  

Running Time: 19 min 59 sec

Myths and Misconceptions about Veterinary Student Debt

Feb 24, 2020

There are many misconceptions and myths about student debt. Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall  investigates how a new veterinarian can afford to be an equine practitioner with guest veterinarians Dr. Robyn Ellerbrock of the University of Georgia, Dr. Mary Kovach of Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice, and Dr. Tony Bartels of the VIN Foundation ( 

Running Time: 43 min 23 sec

Developing Young Veterinarians

Jan 27, 2020

Podcast host Dr. Mike Pownall joins three participants of the 2019 AAEP Convention's lively "How to Mentor New Grads" table topic. Listen as Drs. Elizabeth Arbittier of the New Bolton Center in Pennsylvania, Luke Bass of Colorado State University, and Caitlin Daly, a solo practitioner in Rockland, Maine, share some advice for new veterinarian graduates looking for their best career, and some advice to those who would hire them.

Running Time: 38 min 57 sec

Dr. Amy Grice Discusses the AVMA-AAEP Equine Economic Study

Dec 03, 2019

Veterinarian and business consultant Dr. Amy Grice gives a brief overview of the AAEP/AVMA Equine Veterinarian Economic Survey and the career challenges it highlights. The report, which offers extensive data about the health of equine practice and the health of those working in the profession, can be found in full at

Running Time: 25 min 50 sec

Developing a Positive Veterinarian-Farrier Relationship

Sep 13, 2019

A good working relationship with your clients’ farriers can have a positive impact on the health of the horse, and the health of your practice. Drs. Andrea Dube, Josh Zacharias and Bibi Freer share tips to develop positive vet-to-farrier rapport. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Running Time: 43 min 38 sec

Creating a Shared On Call Network in Your Practice Area

May 15, 2019

Learn how sharing emergency coverage with area colleagues can benefit quality of life, professional collegiality and practice stability. Guests are Drs. Amy Bennett, Bibi Freer and Racquel Lindroth.  Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Running Time: 25 min 34 sec

Top Tech Tools for Equine Practice

Mar 27, 2019

Let technology make your practice life easier. Drs. Lisa Kivett and Ernie Martinez share their favorite tech hacks and discuss how they manage everything from texting with clients to after-hours staff communication. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Running Time: 40 min 23 sec

The Veterinarian's Role in Equine Abuse & Neglect Cases

Dec 10, 2018

Most veterinary practitioners will be presented at some time with a case of animal abuse, neglect or cruelty. Drs. Lisa Kivett, Clara Mason and Alina Vale discuss strategies for managing these often difficult and complex situations. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Running Time: 37 min 07 sec

I'm a New Associate - Help!

Sep 25, 2018

Two recent grads and a seasoned practitioner dispense advice on successfully starting your first associate position as well as tips for welcoming a new graduate to your practice. Guests: Drs. Jenna Donaldson, Zach Loppnow & Ernie Martinez. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Running Time: 29 min 06 sec

Can I Afford to Hire an Associate?

Aug 15, 2018

From analyzing your financials to finding the right person, Drs. Miranda Gosselin, Dan Keenan and Lisa Kivett provide direction to practice owners who are considering adding an associate. Hosted by Dr. Mike Pownall.

Running Time: 37 min 53 sec

Parenthood: Balancing Family Life with Equine Practice

Nov 07, 2016

Drs. Amanda House, Ernie Martinez and Gina Tranquillo Shade discuss how they navigate the often-challenging balance of children and career.

Running Time: 1 hr 02 min

Opening Your Own Equine Practice

Sep 08, 2016

Three young veterinarians dispense the lessons they have learned as new practice owners. 

Running Time: 34 min 30 sec

Conversations with New Practitioners

Jul 29, 2016

Three new Horse Doctors discuss the challenges and rewards they've experienced during their first year in the profession.

Running Time: 34 min 10 sec

AAEP Spur of the Moment