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Owner Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Courtesy of LSU-LSART PartnershipWhen an emergency or natural disaster occurs, it is always in the best interest of the horses for both the equine practitioner and the horse owner to be prepared. Foreign animal disease outbreaks or other catastrophic events can adversely affect the health and well-being of horses. The preparation must be as thorough as possible knowing that circumstances will highlight the weaknesses rather than the strengths of those involved.

Preparation is a key part of making sure your horses are safe and taken care of in a crisis situation. One must understand who the other resources are and what their plan is in order for a coordinated response to result. The AAEP has collected the following helpful links to make sure you, the horse owner, have vital information available to you before a disaster strikes.

National Resources:

USDA Disaster Planning
National Hurricane Center
United States Animal Health Offices (State Veterinarians)
Canadian Animal Health Offices (Provincial Veterinarians)
Ready America

Disaster Planning:

Guidelines to Follow During Equine Emergencies (AAEP)
Disaster Planning for Horse Farms (AAEP)
Equine Emergency-Evacuation Kit Checklist
Emergency Horse Care